Robert Ortega




My name is Robert Ortega and I am a nature photographer

Robert Ortega is a nature photographer based in Santa Monica, California. Robert’s focus is single physical beings, such as an animal or a flower. Because each photo is of one single item, the visual focus is the item’s composition. His photographs of animals center around the materials colors, and textures that the animal is composed of. Photographs of flowers emphasize their physical structure, colors, and positioning. Robert travels around the world to specific countries whose ecosystems he wants to explore and photograph.

Get in touch.

Studio Location

749 Goldfield Ave.
Santa Monica, CA

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Glowing Jellyfish

The glowing lights of underwater creatures
Explore The Project

Fluttering Birds

The fascinating life, colors, and behaviors of winged creatures
Explore The Project

Estándar Superior DOBLE

Hotel Costa Pacífico Suite

Avda. Manuel Verbal Nº 1446, Antofagasta

Hotel Costa Pacífico Express

Avda. Iquique Nº 4601, Antofagasta
